My Husband is My Professor and Boss

CH-119: Sleepy Avery.

CH-119: Sleepy Avery.

Avery was ready, but she still in front of the mirror. She was looking at the hickey around her neck in the mirror. She was wondering how to cover that visible hickey.     

"Ave, See what I brought," Alex said while coming into the room and walked towards her. He showed her a cream coloured box in his hand.     

"Foundation?" Avery said in surprise.     

"Hmm. For yours...." Alex said pointing to her neck. "To hide that hickey around your neck."     

"Thanks," Avery said and started putting foundation on her hickey. Alex was watching her from behind, as she was applying the foundation around her neck.     

"Ave, Don't you think that you are applying too much foundation? I mean, it doesn't match your skin tone." At that time, Alex was treating her like a friend. They both were looked like teenager buddies.     

" I'm not good at makeup Alex. And I think you know that." She said and began to wipe extra foundation from her neck with the palm of her hand. Alex was standing behind her and watching her every action.     

He took a deep breath and grabbed Avery's arm and pulled her towards him. "Let me do it." With that, he pulled a white handkerchief from his pocket. Grabbing her handful hair he tilted her head back. Which made her neck visible to him.     

He started to wipe the foundation off her neck. Avery suddenly started laughing while Alex was wiping her neck. Her laugh narrowed Alex's eyes and he stopped his hand. He brought her face closer to his.     

"What makes you laugh my dear wife." He asked in his sexy and husky voice. But he was happy to see her laugh because he didn't know when the last time Avery laughed like this.     

"Alex, Don't you think that you are behaving like a teenager boy?"     

"Hmm." A mischievous smile formed on his lips and he put both his hands on her waist and pulled her more closer towards him. "So now my wife feels like her husband's behaving like a teenager boy."     

"Hmm." She nodded in agreement.     

"But my dear wife, don't forget that your husband is the chairman of the world-famous group and the CEO of the main branch."     

"Alex, That's why I'm laughing thinking that how such a great person is wiping his wife's neck."     

"My dear wife." Alex put his hand on her cheek and started rubbing her cheek. "If you think I'm behaving like a teenager boy, that's fine too me. Because I would like to be a teenager husband for my teenager wife."     

Alex rubbed the tip of his nose against hers and said smiling. "The biggest thing is that I would love to be my wife's slave."     

Hearing him Avery couldn't stop herself and hugged him. She tightened her grip on his waist and buried her face in his chest. Streams of tears started flowing from her eyes and she started crying.     

"My Love. What happened. Why are you crying?" Alex didn't understand why Avery started crying suddenly. He grabbed her shoulder and began to pull her away from him. Because he wanted to see her but Avery's next words stopped him from doing it.     

"Alex. Don't push me away. Please hug me. I want to feel you."     

"I will but first tell me why you are crying." He finally separated Avery from him and asked. Avery didn't want to be separated from him but her power was nothing in front of him to resist him.     

"Tell me what happened." He wiped her face and asked.     

" Alex."     

"Yes, my Love."     

"I'm sorry."     

" For what love."     

"I remember very well what you said when first time we met in the hospital. You told me you would never leave me but l trusted Clara's and your fake relationship. I did not understand you. You treated me badly, but you were with me every time. My sufferings were visible but what about you. I could cry but what about you. I'm really sorry." Seeing her like that, his heart was breaking. He quickly pulled her in his embrace.     

"Calm down! Calm down!" He sighed.     

"My Love. There is no reason to cry. If I were you, I would do the same." After holding her in his arms for some time, he separated her     

"Ave You are the most important person in my life. I can do anything for you. Just keep in mind that no matter what happens, you will believe me. Will you my love."     

Avery quickly nodded her head. "Yes I will Alex." And with that, Alex put his lips to hers. As soon as his lips felt on hers, Avery closed her eyes and placed her hand on Alex's chest.     

Alex first took both of her lips in his and began to play with them with his warm lips. He then took Avery's lower lip into his and began to lick it. He took her lips in his teeth and began to suck. His kiss was very gentle. He had poured him all emotions into that kiss.     

There was already a small gap in Avery's teeth which he enlarged by inserting his tongue. He stuck his tongue deep into her sweet mouth. When Avery felt his tongue so deep in her mouth, she quickly clenched her fists on his chest. Alex tightened his grip on her waist and pulled her even closer. He began to explore her full mouth with his tongue. He kept kissing her until she became breathless.     


Avery was sitting in the passenger seat and Alex was driving the car. Avery looked at him and asked. "Where we are going."     

" You will know soon."     

"Hmm. I sleep until then. Wake me up when we arrive."     

"Okay," Alex said and lifting his coat from the back seat. Then he stopped the car on the side of the road. Before Avery could ask anything, he approached her and covered her body with a coat. "Sleep well, my love." He kissed her pink lips and sat down on his place again. A sweet smile came on Avery's lips and she closed her eyes.     


Alex's car came in front of Hill mansion and stopped. Avery was still asleep. Seeing her asleep, Alex smiled. He got out of the car and walked over to her side. He opened the car door and leaned down. He put his hand close to her face to wake her up. He stopped just as he was about to wake her up and thought for a moment. He then slowly unlocked her seatbelt and lifted her into his arms. When Avery felt Alex's warm embrace close to her, she buried herself even more in his warmth.     

When Alex went to the mansion, all the family members were already waiting for him. When they saw Avery in Alex's arms, they thought something had happened to her. But Alex reassured them all that there was nothing like what they were all thinking and that she was asleep. After that, Alex took Avery and sat on the couch. Avery was still fast asleep in his arms. She had no idea what was going on around her.     

A few moments later, Alex's sister Amaya approached them and pinched Avery's cheek with her fingers. Avery groaned and snuggled more in Alex's chest.     

All family member laughed because of Avery's behaviour. Alex told all of them to shut up but it was too late. Because Avery was awake and her fist was rubbing her eyes.     

When Avery opened her eyes wide and looked around. Then there were the faces of Alex's family members in front of her eyes. After looking at them for a while, she noticed that she was in Hill Mansion. She quickly started looking for Alex but she didn't see him. She quickly asks his mother.     

"Mom, where is Alex?"     

"I'm here." Her eyes popped out as she heard a voice and looked in the direction of the voice.      

Now she noticed that she was sitting on Alen's lap in front of all family members.     


Author note:- My dear readers, I am very happy that all of you are happy with the turn in the story. I read every comment on every chapter of this story. In that comment, many readers were telling me to do Avery's couple with Lucas. At that time I was not answering their question because Alex loves Avery very much. And if I had given you a hint about this, Your interest would not have in the story.     

And as you were told before, this story is not simple. There is a lot of suspense in this story. Some readers dismissed the story as saying this story is full of violence. But I thank you for being patient and supporting this story.     

I hope you have noticed from the recently uploaded chapter that Avery's physical and mental condition is the reason behind her crying so much. And thank you so much for caring about me. And the only thing left is to upload two chapters. I will definitely do that from tomorrow.     

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