My Husband is My Professor and Boss

CH-116: Truth came out: part seven

CH-116: Truth came out: part seven

Alex was standing near the window and watching his wife who was lying on the bed. He was thinking about what Max had told him about Avery's situation.     


Alex and Max were both sitting on chairs, with a large glass and wooden table between them.     

Alex was reading Avery's medical file while listening to Max.     

"Alex, what you did this time, I hope you don't do it again. You know, Noah and I were against your plan from the beginning. We didn't like your drama with Clara. In all this, your plays only one person has suffered most and that person is your wife.     

Alex her emotions are already not balanced. Currently, she has at the peak point of her limit. Just one push and her breakdown will be done. Crying for small things and failing to keep yourself strong is also just because of her current situation.     

She is no longer Avery before marriage. Her present condition is very different. The shock you gave her on the second day of the wedding has made her completely weak from inside. I am a witness how much she tried to keep herself strong but every time she failed.     

Many times you were creating trouble for her by showing your love towards Clara."     

"I know Max." Alex sighed and continued, "But at that time it was necessary to do. At that time her eyes needed fear about me because that's why I was able to save her from Clara's clutches. It was all very difficult for me too. You know how much I love her."     

"Yes, I know. Anyway, congrats for baby." Max stretched out his hand to Alex.     

"Thank you." Alex shook his hand.     

"One more thing Alex, Avery could bear all that happened in these eighteen to twenty days because of the child in her womb. You have to take good care of her now. She is very weak and upon all this, she is pregnant now. Now my brother-in-law gets ready for my sister's mood swings." Max was trying to tease him.     

Alex smiled. " I have already prepared myself for that."     

"Alex this time is very important for her. She is already eighteen years old. You have to take special care of her because this is the hardest time in her life. One little mistake and her heart will against her. You have to be patient." Max warned him.     

"Yes, I will." Without hesitation, Alex assured him.     

"Tell me, how she got Clara's file."     

"That file was in the locker and she had opened the locker by entering the correct password."     

"What? But how she knew the password."     

"I don't know."     

"Did you intend to tell her all about Clara?"     

"Yes. But not like that, I was going to tell her when I came back." Alex was guilty because of the way Avery knew about Clara.     

"It's okay now because Avery is fine." Max breathed a sigh of relief.     

" Oh yes, I wanted to know when Noah would be back."     

Alex asked him because he hadn't spoken to Noah in a long time and now Noah was on an important mission.     

"Maybe in four or five days."     

"Hmmm." Alex got up from his chair. " I have to go to her now and yes, I'm sorry for hurting your sister," Alex said as he walked to the door.     

Max lifted the corner of his lips and answered him. "If you want to stay alive, don't do this again." Alex stopped his step and smirked.     

"No this will never happen again."     


While Alex was still staring at Avery, he noticed the sweat on her head. He found it a little strange because the temperature of the room was normal. And immediately Avery began to move her hands in the air. Like she was trying to stop someone.     

Alex quickly approached her.     

"CLARA NO!"     

Avery screamed as he reached near her bed.     

"Clara no! Clara no!" She immediately started crying.     

"Ave" Alex grabbed her face and made her look at him. "What happened?"     

"Alex, She will not leave me and my child. She's going to kill me and my child. She was saying that you left her because of me. She was saying that you don't love her because of me."     

Alex noticed that his wife had a nightmare.     

"Ave, It just a nightmare."     

"Alex she will....."     

"Shuuu... Nothing will happen. I am here for you, my love." Alex pulled her in his tight embrace, "Shuu....My love." He started soothing her.     

He lay down on the bed and grabbed her close to his chest, "Love it's ok."     

"Alex, I'm scared. She says to me that she will...." He grabbed her handful hair and made her look at him.     

"Look at me, I'm here. Clara his no more."     

"Alex, Please don't leave me this time." She held her grip on his chest. Her body was trembling in his embrace.     

"I will not leave." He pressed her head to his chest and tightened his grip on her back. He lifted the blanket with the help of his feet and covered their body. "I Love you my Love." He whispered and kissed her on her head and pulled her even closer.     

When Avery's breath became steady, Alex sat up on the bed. After thinking for a while, he got out of bed and took an injection from the refrigerator. He came back near the bed and climbed up. He pushed the blanket downward from her body.     

He grabbed her arm and inserted the injection needle into her upper arm.     

"Ah.... " She moaned and opened her eyes slightly. "Alex it's hurting please stop."     

"Just endured for little sweetheart."     

After giving her an ejection, Alex slept next to her again and pulled her into his arms. "Sleep well, my Love." He whispered and closed his blue eyes.     


Avery slowly opened her eyes and rolled. She was not in the hospital but in Alex's bedroom. She got up and sat on the bed, she noticed that her clothes had already changed. She put her feet on the floor and stood up. As she was about to take a step, words fell on her ears. "What are you doing?" Alex was standing in the doorway when she looked up.     

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