PS I'm (not) Over You

You Look Stunning Today, Mrs. Stahl (2)

You Look Stunning Today, Mrs. Stahl (2)

Sara found herself walking down the aisle beside her brother, Lawrence. She clutched his arm tightly as a wave of nervousness hit her at full force. In response, Lawrence gave her hand a slight squeeze, reminding her to calm her nerves.     

'It's easier said than done.' Sara wanted to tell him but didn't. They continued to walk towards the altar where Rion stood. Much to her surprise, she saw him fidgeting over his cuffs, a frown etched on his handsome face. He was clearly as nervous as she was, and she realized that she wasn't the only one looking forward to this wedding.     

Hearing their footsteps, Rion lifted his head and almost gaped in surprise. His eyes widened slightly at the sight of her. He knew Sara would be beautiful today, but somehow, she was even more beautiful than he had thought she would be. She'd exceeded his expectations today.     

He let a small smile across his lips. Beneath her veil, he could see that she was biting her lower lip again. Something she habitually did when she was excited or nervous. His eyes trailed down her slender figure, appreciating the fact that the dress suited her well. It clung to her figure at the right places.     

The elegant strapless white gown accentuated her pale, smooth neck and shoulders; causing him to hold his breath as she continued to walk towards him. When she stopped in front of him, Rion was reminded again why he chose this woman to spend his whole life with.     

He considered his past and reminded how lonely he was after Ava's death. Before meeting Sara, he didn't want to think about what he wanted to do with his life. He had been lost in grief that he'd forgotten to be happy until he met her.     

Rion took her hand and thanked Lawrence before kissing her palm.     

"I've been waiting for this. I wish to marry you as soon as possible," he whispered to her. He breathed out long, dispelling the unwanted memories from his mind. This should be a happy moment between her and Sara.     

Sara's face flushed deeply. "I wish to marry you, too."     

She stared down at the bouquet of white and pink roses on her hands as she felt Rion's gaze on her. She could feel her cheeks burning and hoped that her veil was enough to hide it.     

'Get a hold of yourself, Sara!' She chided herself inwardly. What kind of bride she was if she refused to meet her husband's eyes. She took in a breath and lifted her eyes at him.     

"Hi, Mr. Stahl. Looking dashing as usual," she teased.     

"Hnn…" Rion replied. "You look stunning today, Mrs. Stahl," he retorted back. He could almost see the blush on her cheeks from his words.     

Sara swallowed a few times and met his gaze, seeing the amusement shining on it.     

The ceremony started at once. From the corner of her eye, Sara glanced at Rion and smiled when she found his gaze still set on her. Even though she found relief that she wasn't the only one nervous, she still couldn't stop her overwhelming feelings for him. Pushing these thoughts aside, she forced herself to listen to the priest's words while trying to calm down her nerves.     

At the guest area, Ririna noticed her own husband deep in his own thoughts as he watched the wedding with attention.     

"What's wrong, dear?" Ririna leaned closer to him to whisper.     

"Just thinking that I haven't given you a proper wedding ceremony. Would you like to have one?" Eli replied.     

Oh, so that's why. Ririna thought. She pursed her lips together, trying to stop a growing smile on her lips.     

"I don't mind marrying you again, but if you want a wedding ceremony, you better plan it fast. I don't want to wear my wedding gown with my tummy protruding."     

Pleased with her answer, Eli slid his hand to hers and held it with a slight squeeze. Skyler who was standing next to them, heard their conversation.     

"Mommy, does that mean I'll be a ringbearer again?" He blinked with wide eyes.     

"Of course, darling. There couldn't be anyone else but our baby, right?" Ririna winked back at her son.     

Back at Rion and Sara, when it was time for them to say their vows and exchange rings, Sara felt her heart beating painfully in her chest once again.     

"I, Rion Stahl, take thee, Sara Yun, to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I pledge thee my faith," Rion said before sliding her wedding ring to her ring finger.     

Sara followed his lead and said her vows. With shaky hands, she managed to slide his ring on his finger. She was surprised when Rion didn't let go of her hand once the exchange was done. His focus was solely on the next words of the priest.     

The ceremony had flown past too soon, and the next thing Sara knew, the priest was announcing Rion and her as husband and wife.     

"I now pronounce you as husband and wife!" the priest loudly declared with a big smile plastered on his face. "You may kiss the bride."     

Rion moved to face her and slowly lifted her veil to reveal her face. She smiled at him with teary eyes as he leaned down for their customary kiss.     

Rion placed a hand behind her neck and gently pulled her toward him. Sara had to stand on her toes to meet him halfway to kiss. For a brief moment, their lips met which was followed by loud cheering and clapping behind them. Sara let out a laugh as Rion pulled away from her.     

"Hubby, I think you got some lipstick on you."     

"I don't care." Rion chuckled before reclaiming her lips again for a second kiss.     

The reception went on without a problem, and after some bugging from Evan and Louie, Rion led his bride to the dance floor for their first dance. Rion didn't seem like he minded the attention people were giving them at that moment. He held Sara in his embrace and bent his head, smelling the faint smell of her shampoo.     

"Are you happy?" Sara asked.     

"I am."     

"So am I," she spoke with a sigh.     

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