PS I'm (not) Over You

Reaching the End of the Line (3)

Reaching the End of the Line (3)

He sat there alone feeling useless. A big failure. Eli sat rigid in the hospital chair, ignoring the nurses that were coming and going to check on Ririna's condition. He cursed himself for failing to protect his bride. A fool succumbed to the deception that the only target was Skyler. He remembered what was written on the last blue envelope.     

'Kiss him goodbye as we wait for the wave to drown you in deep despair'     

It was Ririna all along. Why didn't he realized this sooner? If only had he realized that letting her make the decision for own security would lead to this disaster, he wouldn't allow her to go alone to the public. Had it not been his arrogance and ignorance, his wife should have had been at home now celebrating with him as they announced their engagement.     

He was too consumed with his own personal agenda and grudge against the ones who had tried to kidnap their son and neglected Ririna's safety. He had left her vulnerable against their enemies.     

Eli opened his eyes, his soulless gray eyes gazing at the sleeping woman on the bed in front of him. Although he would never admit it to anyone, his pride was a big part of him. His eyes narrowed as his heart clenched painfully inside his chest just by looking at his fiancee lying peacefully on the bed next to him.     

He had left an opening and she had nearly died because of it. If it wasn't for the old man who had promptly call an ambulance, his fiancee would have been dead if they had been a minute late to save her from under the crushed car. Ririna will be given a chance to live if and only if she wakes up soon.     

He hopes that she will wake up and give him a chance to show her how much he loves her, that he can protect her. This is the second time someone tried to hurt his small family.. Skyler was in distress when he found out what happened to his mommy. It took him a whole day before he calmed down. Eli's heart broke when he saw his son cry in his sleep calling out for his mommy.     

It has been three days since the incident and there is barely any trace of the proprietor of the Underworld. Ririna, even though has retired for years as an assassin is still infamous among the Underworld community. Eli was sure that someone hired a top-class assassin to go after his wife. His hands are itching from some bloodshed and he swore that he will annihilate the whole family of the mastermind of this mission to kill Ririna.     

No one can mess with the Devil's witch and can escape alive. He will make sure whoever it is, he will suffer in his own hands.     

From the moment Eli saw Ririna bloomed into a fine woman, he had known that there was something alluring about her. Something that enchants him, making his soul sing with happiness, making him feel complete and alive when she is beside him.     

Her voice, her smile, her presence, he thought it was enough for him and wouldn't need to pursue her. He promised since she was young that he will look after her, protect her if needed. Yet now, he had failed her.     

Ririna was already unconscious when she arrived at the hospital's emergency room. Eli had seen the severity of her injuries first hand. How her beautiful white dress tainted with her own blood, how she fought for her life as she attempted to breathe hard through the pain, only to wheeze until a mask was placed over her nose and mouth, giving her air to breathe.     

From then on, her almost lifeless body was rushed to the operating room to treat her shot wounds by the best surgeons that the hospital has at the moment. Twelve hours later, she was moved into a private ICU room and Eli remained on her side ever since only leaving once to check on their son at his father's home.     

Eli stared at her still form, hoping that she would wake up and give him the sinister smile that he always love. Her mischievousness, her pouting face, her voice. He really missed her right now. A part of him died each passing minute that she wouldn't wake up. For three days she hasn't responded to him.     

Ririna's face is pale like a ghost. Her body covered with bruises and lacerations and her upper torso received most of the fatal injuries. Eli shut his eyes and tried to control his anger, knowing it would not help Ririna to recover any faster. He took a deep breath before laying his hand on hers, intertwining their fingers together. Her hand felt cold and limp against his grip.     

Taking the box out from his coat using his other hand, he took the ring and slipped it on her ring finger. Like he promised before, whatever happens, she will be the only bride for the devil.     

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