PS I'm (not) Over You

Rion and Sara (3)

Rion and Sara (3)

Sara continued to wail in Rion's passenger seat. His face scowled at what's happening to him. Shouldn't they be on their way to their meeting? But here they are stuck in his car, waiting for her to calm down.     

Rion gazed at her cautiously before straightening his head as if there isn't a crying woman beside him. His face is unreadable but beneath it, his rage is still on. He closed his eyes and took slow deep breaths to calm himself.     

'It is not my business.' Rion keeps telling himself.     

He waited until she calmed down and wiped her tears from her eyes and face. Sara's eyes were reddened by her tears, her lips slightly pale and bruised from constant biting. She sniffed beside him and compose herself. They have something important to do right now and she couldn't let her boss down.     

"Stop crying. He doesn't deserve your tears," Rion said.     

Sara was somehow touched by what he has said. It is true. She shouldn't waste her time for that useless man. It was a good thing she found out about him screwing another woman before she had given up herself to him.     

"Yes. I'm sorry for what happened. You shouldn't have seen that" Sara replied.     

Rion shrugged his shoulders before turning on the engine of his car. As long as Sara can perform her duty today there shouldn't be any problem. Sara straightened up her back in her seat and forced herself to push away the thoughts and incident at the back of her mind.     

She began flipping through the file with deep concentration as the car moved smoothly into the traffic of the downtown streets of New Global City. As she looked over the details, she mentally noted the sequence of the file and the agenda of the meeting so Rion would never have a problem during their discussions.     


"Thank you, Mr. Stahl. We wish we can meet Miss Ririna Han soon." The gallery's representative shook Rion's hand before he left the conference room.     

He met Sara who was busy on her phone, talking to someone while cursing under her breath. Is her world-class jackass ex-boyfriend trying to reach her? Not that he cares, he's only curious. When she saw him coming towards her, she began to gather her things on the reception's table.     

"Don't you ever call me again or I will kill you!" Sara growled lowly on her phone before turning it off.     

"We are done here. Are you still going home to that apartment or you will stay at someone else house?" Rion asked.     

"Hell no. I won't go back to that apartment again. I will sell that unit as soon as that guy leaves the place. I should also burn down my bed. Who knows what kind of disease and germs they left on my mattress." Sara replied her voice laced with anger at the cheating couple as she continued to stack her things inside her bag.     

"You are an idiot if you decide to accept him in your life once again. Not that I care but you have a bad taste in men." Rion commented which made Sara's eyes sharpened at him.     

"Right. As if any of my choices matter to you…" she mumbled to herself.     

"Did you say something?"     

"No, Mr. Stahl. I appreciate your help. Thank you for defending me earlier but can you please not tell what happened to anyone. My sister will get worried if she finds out. At least for a week please just before her wedding," Sara pleaded as she followed Rion towards his car.     

"If there is anything else you need help with, just let me know so I can help you."     

Rion seated himself in the driver seat while Sara sat silently on the passenger seat. Her face is much better now than earlier. She knew that her sister Ginny will get worried like a mother hen to her chick if she finds out about her cheating boyfriend. Her sister's wedding has been canceled once already and she didn't want to add more drama to her wedding preparations.     

"Can you help me for a week, Mr. Stahl?"     


"What?" Sara blinked.     

"Call me Rion. Mr. Stahl is my father."     

"Okay, sir. I mean… Rion. So are you going to help?"     


"Help me forget about him," Sara said her cheeks burning in red.     

Rion looked at her like she had grown another head. What does she mean by that? It sounds like she's…     

"No! That's not what I mean!" Sara realized what she has said to her boss, "I mean make me forget about him with more work and ideas!"     

Sara cursed herself. She knew her explanation is lame. What should she do to forget about that scum? Then she remembered something and grinned. Rion felt like it was some kind of warning to him.     

"Sir… I mean Rion. Can you drop me at the Global Arena? I was supposed to attend an event today since it's my day off." Sara bit her lower lip hoping that her boss would bring her to the convention. She was really excited to see some of her online friends today but was pulled out because of her work.     

"Woman. I'm still your boss, not your driver." Rion glared at her.     

Nevertheless, he still complied with her request and accompany her to the Global Arena. When they arrived at the gateway of the event, Rion cursed himself for bringing himself into another torture. Why did he agree to bring her to the Annual BL Convention?     

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