Melting the Cold CEO's Heart

Liz's Decision

Liz's Decision

"Liz, are you sure about this?"     

A few hours later, Liz was sitting in front of Will, who looked exhausted and sleep-deprived as they were finally approaching the end of this massive project, which meant that he had more work to do than ever.     

Still, he had taken time out to come talk to her after she messaged him, saying that she had talked to Jonathan and come to an agreement.     

Indeed, she had agreed to his proposal to work together so that he could save his own job, after which he had promised that he would ensure that she would succeed, and cement her position in a way that would throw out all the questions that had arisen about her ability.     

It had been so shocking that it had even caused Will to question Liz's decision for the first time.     

Since he had met her, he had always been impressed by her astute decision-making skills which he always loved to see.     

Hence, he had always thought that there would never, ever be a situation where he would question her, and ask if she was sure regarding what she was doing.     

Yet, now, he found himself doing just that.     

He had just arrived after replying to her and finding out that she had reached her room in the hotel, and it looked like she had just bathed and worn pajamas before he barged in and a greeted her, all so that he could sit her down and ask her this question.     

Liz's room wasn't as large as Will's, which had even had that balcony in which he had finally told his tale. Yet, there was a table and two sofas beside the bed, on one of which Will was seated.     

In response to his question, Liz smiled wide and actually…walked forward to sit on his lap, before hugging him around his neck and whispering, "You dummy, you're seeing your girlfriend after days, and the first thing you want to talk about is business? At this rate, maybe I'll forget the list of places that I made in which we could repeat the…fun we had after working together the other day…"     

As always, she had chosen the right words to make Will gulp and stiffen, before hugging her back tight.     

Indeed, he had missed her, and her statement sent a fire racing up his body which made his heart beat faster while he thought back to their short, yet incredible time in that room. These memories had actually become his 'happy place' that he went to whenever work got too grueling, or too boring.     

Now, under her, Liz could feel something harden and begin to poke her thigh, which made her giggle and blush slightly, as Will moved her back by her shoulders to bend forward and kiss her lips briefly.     

She had come and sat down from the side, which meant that her legs were dangling from one side of the sofa, while she twisted her upper body to grab hold of her boyfriend.     

She had to say…that this was pretty comfortable, even with that hard thing which seemed to want out.     

Will bent back after a short kiss, as he was still worried.     

Yet, he found his head pulled back to Liz's lips by her hands, as she held him and kissed him for a bit longer, savoring his lips and making him go breathless as she had her way with him.     

After she finally let go and chuckled on seeing him gasp for breath, she said, "Now that's a better 'hi'. Ok, so what are you so worried about?"     

Liz had been wanting to do that for a long time, so she had just gone ahead, which now made her a happy woman who smiled sweetly as she waited for Will to gather his bearings and state what was on his mind.     

Making his mind go blank was something which she would never cease to enjoy, but she put on a serious expression when he fixed his eyes on her stoically and asked, "You know Jonathan is a snake. I've heard the rumors, so he's not lying about Ben. Ben turned out to be a bigger snake than him, but that doesn't mean that Jonathan will change his ways and magically be Ok with supporting you. He wants to use you. That must have been obvious, right?"     

Liz entwined her hands around his neck before answering.     

"Yes…it was as clear as day. But I still agreed."     

Hearing this, Will waited for Liz to continue, but he didn't know how to react when he saw her smile change to one of mischief.     

What was this woman up to?     

As he got a puzzled expression on his face, Liz finally laughed out loud and said, "It's sweet that you're worried about me, but I have a plan. I was going to tell it to you, but I've just decided that it'll be more fun if you find out about it when the others do. That way, I'll have a chance to clearly see how the great CEO of Happle looks like when he's shocked."     

Will could only sputter for a few moments as he heard this.     

He knew that he was just a little bit displeased that she wasn't sharing her plan with him.     

But should he push her and ask her to tell him, as he wanted to see if it was good, so that he could help her if it wasn't?     

There wasn't a dumber thing he could do.     

So far, Liz had never given him a reason to doubt him.     

So…he sighed and decided to wait and look forward to it.     

Seeing this, Liz smiled broadly before saying, "You look like you haven't slept in a long time."     

"Yes, some international meetings held me up. I was just going to get a good night's sleep tonight."     

As he said so, Liz got up, and said, "All right, get going then."     

Will's mind was purely functioning on caffeine, so he didn't catch the playful expression on Liz's face.     

However, when he got up and was just about to bid her goodnight, he saw her running toward him before she tackled him onto the bed, and snuggled on his chest like a cat while he had the wind knocked out of him.     

"Or…you could sleep here, and show your girlfriend how much you missed her."     

This finally made Will's eyes lighten up, as he fervently nodded and held her.     

Yet, she got up and said, "One moment, though. I just need to brush my teeth. You interrupted me when I was doing just that. You change, too."     

Seeing Will get the drift and nod, Liz went to the bathroom, still with that ecstatic smile on her face, before beginning to brush and get ready for the night.     

Will just had…something about him which made her completely fill up with uncontrollable joy and happiness that made her do things she would never do with someone else. That had only been amplified after not seeing him for so long.     

So, full of expectations, Liz walked out of the bathroom 20 minutes later….to the sound of low snoring.     

As she walked forward, she was greeted by the sight of Will who had gotten halfway through his shirt before promptly falling asleep.     


Blowing out air, Liz felt just a bit disappointed for just a moment, before remembering how red his eyes had been when she had opened the door.     

It looked the poor guy must really have been surviving with no sleep at all for more than 48 hours.     

So, feeling even more happy that he had come because he was worried about her even though he was in that state, Liz switched off all the lights and snuggled comfortably onto his chest, which felt oh, so comfortable.     

He had been right when he had said that this was the best pillow in their house, and she truly felt that that was true no matter where they went.     

Will was so out of it that he didn't even wake up when he felt her. He only smiled in his sleep and unconsciously put his hands around him, which made him look super cute in the moonlight that cascaded through the window to fall on his face.     

Feeling so content and snug that she instantly became drowsy, Liz fell asleep, and dreamed of thrashing snakes left and right with her bare hands, all while lugging around a sleeping man on her back in a backpack.     

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